Application Support

Thanx Media provides first-line support for your cms or commerce application needs. Our services take the burden off your internal IT/Marketing staff. We sweat the details.

Why Thanx Media?

Full Help Desk

Thanx Media is there for you 24/7/365. We provide a full ticketing system to help support our clients applications and help them troubleshoot and fix any issues they experience.

Escalation of Issues

When an issue is identified, we are able to quickly classify application incidents, training issues, or process issues and route them through the identified channels for quick resolution. We can also help your team build and implement a process to identify and mitigate issues with existing or new remedy tools.

Workbench Training

Whether it’s your workbench or other suite of tools, we can provide expertise and guidance to your targeted staff to manage business rules and make the most out of what the application can offer.

Let's talk more about Application Support